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Mapping and Masks Tutorials

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Mapping the House (Keynote)

      This video will take you through the steps of mapping out your house. Make sure you have your housing complete and secure. If not.... you will have to do it all over again if it moves. This will take some time. Make sure you have a comfortable place to work. When it is cold... I have been known to pull my car up in the yard and run the HDMI through the window to enjoy the heat of the car while I do the mapping.

Cleaning up your map

      This video will take you through the steps of cleaning up your Mapping image using Photoshop.

Creating Masks

      This video will take you through the steps of creating your masks from your mapping image using Photoshop.

Exporting Mask Files

      This video will take you through the steps of exporting your masks using Photoshop.

Mapping using masks in After Effects

      Projector mapping is a great way to immerse your holiday Halloween or Christmas audience. This presentation covers types of projectors, creating a map of your surface, and gathering and animating content in Adobe After Effects. 

** Mapping is towards the beginning of the presentation**

3D House Mapping - Part 1

      In this tutorial we will be making a guide to help us design video for our house projection mapping. We will be using free photogrammetry software called Meshroom, as well as Blender - which is a free 3d application - and After Effects.

3D House Mapping - Part 2

      In this video we will be preparing our video animation for projection mapping on a house in After Effects.

Mapping a house - Bates Haunt

      This tutorial reveals one of the tricks behind my award winning projection show. I first started using this technique in 2003, and it is the same technique used by Disney to do all of their recent projection shows like "Magic the Memories and You" and "Ghost Galaxy". Decided to finally release it. All you need is a projector, laptop, and a full screen drawing program of some sort. A "3D trace" of a 3D surface is created which makes it easy to place any kind of creative content in exactly the location you want.

Mapping a house - Digital Press Works

     Instructions for drawing a map of your house for projection using the DigitalPressWorks mapping software.


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