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Will your house work?

      This video will take you through the process of deciding if your house is right for Projection Mapping. I will point out the major considerations and explain what you should be looking for.

Picking a Projector

      This video will take you through the steps of picking a projector for Projection Mapping. I will point out the major considerations and explain what you should be looking for. At the end of the video you will find currently heavily recommended projectors. (Summer 2021) 


      This video will talk about normal initial and long term costs for Projection Mapping.

Hardware Needed

       This video will take you through the steps of the basic hardware you will need for Projection Mapping. I will point out the major considerations and explain what you should be looking for.

Sound Options

      This video will talk about different Sound options for Projection Mapping. I suggest a mix of both a small speaker and an FM Transmitter.


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